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GASLIGHTING TYPES, PHASES & PHRASES: Don't Fall for these Gaslighting Tactics
GASLIGHTING TYPES, PHASES & PHRASES: Don't Fall for these Gaslighting Tactics Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 1 year ago


Have you ever heard any of these common gaslighting phrases?
In this video, we're going to explore 2 types of gaslighting -- and one you may even be guilty of (most of us have done it at one time or another). And then we explore 10 gaslighting phrases.

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Watch next:
gaslighting explained

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If you're struggling with shifting your focus away from the narcissist, check out my 7 Day Self-Love Kickstart Plan. It's a simple plan with a daily motivational video, affirmation and gratitude prompt to help get you into the groove of focusing on YOU again. That's where the focus belongs now!
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Resources: 3 gaslighting phases (according to psychoanalyst Robin Stern

0:00 Intro
2:13 Types of gaslighting
5:50 Gaslighting Phases
8:35 Common Gaslighting Phrases

5 FRASES de GASLIGHTING que los manipuladores usan para controlarte
5 FRASES de GASLIGHTING que los manipuladores usan para controlarte Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 1 year ago

¿Has oído alguna vez el término gaslighting y te has preguntado qué significa? En pocas palabras, es un abuso y una forma de manipulación y control psicológico.
Las víctimas son alimentadas con mentiras e información falsa bajo la apariencia de verdad, lo que les hace cuestionar su cordura y sus propias creencias.
Con el tiempo, las manipulaciones se vuelven tan complejas que la víctima ya no puede identificar lo que es real. Pues bien, en este vídeo te presentamos algunas de las frases más comunes que una persona abusiva puede utilizar para controlarte con su gaslighting.

Disclaimer: Nos gustaría mencionar que este vídeo es sólo para fines educativos, y no debe utilizarse para diagnosticarse uno mismo ni a los demás. No pretende apuntar ni avergonzar a nadie. Si crees que lo necesitas, busca la ayuda de un especialista de la salud mental.

🔶 // Atribuciones \\
- Vídeo original (adaptado, traducido y doblado del inglés al español bajo licencia Creative Commons BY) de PSYCH2GO: "5 Gaslighting Phrases Abusive People Use To Control You" -
Writer: Sara Del Villar
Script Editor: Caitlin McColl & Dawn Tan
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Jillian
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

- Borresen, K. (2021, April 27). 6 phrases gaslighters use to manipulate you. HuffPost. Retrieved from
- Gordon, S. (2021, July 2). Ways to tell if someone is gaslighting you. Verywell Mind. Retrieved from
- Huizen, J. (2020, July 14). What is gaslighting? Examples and how to respond. Medical News Today. Retrieved from
- Sarkis, S. A. (2017, January 22). 11 red flags of gaslighting in a relationship. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
- Stern, R. (2018, December 19). I’ve counseled hundreds of victims of gaslighting. Here’s how to spot if you’re being gaslighted. Vox. Retrieved from

00:00 Introducción
00:35 1. "Eres muy sensible"
01:02 2. "Sólo estaba bromeando"
01:31 3. "No es para tanto"
02:02 4. "Te estás imaginando cosas"
02:49 5. "Lamento que pienses que te he hecho daño"


Gaslighting at Work: 5 Phrases Gaslighters Love to Use
Gaslighting at Work: 5 Phrases Gaslighters Love to Use Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 1 year ago

Gaslighting is when someone uses psychological manipulation in order to bring someone else's sanity into question. It's bad—and it should not happen at work. Here's how to identify a gaslighter.

READ: Gaslighting at Work: 9 Phrases Gaslighters Love to Use
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Work in Progress is a "how to" video series to help you with everything from interviewing for jobs to improving your confidence or negotiating a raise. We break these tough questions down into simple, actionable tasks—getting you one step closer to owning your career.

#GaslightingAtWork #GaslighterPhrases

Are you being gaslighted at work?
Are you being gaslighted at work? Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 1 year ago

🚨 If you're dealing with gaslighting at work, you're not alone.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can be hard to recognize, but it can have serious consequences on your mental health and self-esteem.

Here are some tips to help you deal with gaslighting in the workplace: 👇

1️⃣ Recognize the signs of gaslighting: Gaslighters often deny your feelings or experiences, twist your words, or make you doubt your memory and perception of reality.

2️⃣ Trust your intuition: Gaslighters try to make you doubt yourself, but you know yourself best. Listen to your gut feelings and pay attention to how you feel.

3️⃣ Set workplace boundaries: You deserve a positive work environment! Don't engage with gaslighters or let them manipulate you. Be clear about your expectations and assert your rights.

4️⃣ Seek support: Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist who can offer you perspective and validation. You're not crazy or overreacting.

5️⃣ Document the abuse: Keep a record of what the gaslighter says and does, including dates and times. This can help you build a case if you need to report the abuse to HR or other authorities.

Remember, gaslighters are the ones with the problem.

It’s important to set workplace boundaries and know that your feelings are VALID.

And remember: if necessary, leave the job. Your mental health and self-worth are worth more than someone else's approval.

#careeradvice #toxicjob #corporate #gaslighting #worklifebalance #shorts

Gaslighting: the insidious form of emotional manipulation you need to know about #shorts
Gaslighting: the insidious form of emotional manipulation you need to know about #shorts Fakty Jebać fałsz 0 Views • 1 year ago

Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation where the gaslighter seeks to destabilize the victim by sowing seeds of doubt in their beliefs, perceptions, and memories. Unlike other forms of emotional manipulation, gaslighting is characterized by an intentional effort to make the victim question their sanity and sense of reality.

There is typically a power dynamic at play, where the gaslighter holds more power than the victim. Gaslighting often involves turning the conversation around to focus on what's wrong with the victim, their character, their behavior, and their perspective on the world. The gaslighter may use lies, denial, and other tactics to make the victim feel confused, anxious, and uncertain.

Gaslighting can occur in a wide range of relationships, including romantic partnerships, family dynamics, and workplace environments. It can be difficult to recognize and can have a profound impact on the victim's mental health and well-being. It's essential to be aware of the signs of gaslighting and seek support if you suspect that you are a victim. #Gaslighting #EmotionalManipulation #PowerDynamic #MentalHealth #selfdoubt

Robin Stern is a psychoanalyst.

Link in bio or visit





The Shocking Truth About How Gaslighting Starts! MUST WATCH
The Shocking Truth About How Gaslighting Starts! MUST WATCH Fakty Jebać fałsz 7 Views • 1 year ago

The Shocking Truth About How Gaslighting Starts! Must Watch This... In this short dating advice video, I will discuss gaslighting and reveal the shocking truth about how gaslighting starts. Gaslighting can start on first dates, online dating, or elsewhere in the dating process. Pay attention to this relationship advice to learn how gaslighting starts when dating.

I want you to understand that gaslighting is a severe issue that should not be taken lightly. It cn be hard to detect gaslighting since the manipulator can be skilled at hiding his intentions. This video will help you understand women and learn how gaslighting starts to avoid being taken for a ride.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make it easier for all of you to date. I hope and pray that you find this dating advice for men video helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- How gaslighting starts
- Gaslighting
- Gaslight
- Truth about gaslighting
- What is gaslighting
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


Men's Resources

WakeUP2Luv GET AN AMAZING GIRLFRIEND! ("Life-changing!" ~ Steve B. "Soon after finishing the program I got a girlfriend." ~

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I hope you enjoyed my video, “The Shocking Truth About How Gaslighting Starts! Must Watch This.”

Watch this dating advice video next, “Gaslighting Examples! (When to Walk Away From Someone You Like)”

Love is the answer, people! Don’t give up. DO. NOT. GIVE. UP. HOPE. God loves you and so do I! You got this.


DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately.


#TruthAboutGaslighting #Gaslighting #HowGaslightingStarts #Gaslight #WhatIsGaslighting #HowToAvoidGaslighting #TipsToAvoidGaslighting #DatingAdvice #DatingTips #WingmamShorts

Gaslighting instytucjonalny i efekt Semmelweisa #285
Gaslighting instytucjonalny i efekt Semmelweisa #285 Fakty Jebać fałsz 4 Views • 1 year ago

Gaslighting instytucjonalny i efekt Semmelweisa

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Jarosław Gibas

GASLIGHTING: O QUE É, E COMO LIDAR Fakty Jebać fałsz 0 Views • 1 year ago

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Gaslighting Is the 2022 Word of the Year! Ross Rosenberg's Expert Explanation
Gaslighting Is the 2022 Word of the Year! Ross Rosenberg's Expert Explanation Fakty Jebać fałsz 3 Views • 1 year ago

Considering the recent announcement that "gaslighting" is the latest word of the year, Ross updated his already innovative information on the topic. Ross's perspective has always differed from most. This video provides Ross's freshest and most current information on the vastly misunderstood topic of gaslighting.

His focus is on the deliberate and inexcusable abuse of the victim, a gentle and empathetic suggestion that the codependent or person suffering from "Self-Love Deficit Disorder/SLDD" has a "broken relationship picker," which tricks them into believing the "soulmate of their dreams" is the answer to all of their hopes, wishes, and for some, prayers. But in reality, this perfect seeming lover is nothing more than the "cellmate of their nightmares."

The person who has been "baited and switched" unknowingly becomes a gaslighting victim. Blaming it on the narcissist seems fitting, as no one deserves to be abused, neglected, deprived, and brainwashed. But to overcome the SLDD problem, the victim must understand their mental health history, family dynamics, and susceptibility to giving away their power to a person who tricks them into believing in their positive intentions while secretly, in the background, schemes to destroy them.

This video provides a great deal of information about gaslighting, including what it is, where it came from, what the signs are, and what to do about it.

Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC is a psychotherapist, educator, expert witness, and celebrated author. He is also a global thought leader and clinical expert in codependency, trauma, pathological narcissism, narcissistic abuse, and addictions.

Ross's pioneering codependency contributions are responsible for the sweeping theoretical and practical updates and developing a treatment program that permanently resolves it.

Ross has been featured on national TV and radio and is a regular radio and podcast guest. In addition, he has traveled the world, giving his one-of-a-kind keynote presentations and educational workshops.

His global impact is best illustrated by his 23 million viewed/240,000 subscribed YouTube channel and the sale of 150,000 Human Magnet Syndrome books published in 12 languages.

In 2013, Ross created The Self-Love Recovery Institute, a hub for his personal development, workshops, professional training, retreats, other programs, and services. Learn more at
Instagram (@rossrosenberg_slri)
Twitter (@RossRosenberg1)
and now…TikTok! (@RossRosenberg1)

#gaslighting #gaslight #gaslighter #manipulation #narcissism #narcissisticabuse #narcissist #trauma #codependency #codependent #selflovedeficitdisorder #selflovedeficient #SLDD #abuse #domesticabuse #toxicrelationships #relationships #humanmagnetsyndrome #rossrosenberg

Midweek with Dr. C- A Narcissist's Many Gaslighting Techniques
Midweek with Dr. C- A Narcissist's Many Gaslighting Techniques Fakty Jebać fałsz 0 Views • 1 year ago

Listen to Dr. C’s NEW PODCAST at

Sign up for Dr. Carter's course: Ready, Set, Connect
Get 30% off when you use the coupon code: rsc20youtube

Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. In the past 40+ years he has conducted more than 65,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder.

If you are interested in online therapy, Dr. Carter has a sponsor who can assist. As the need is there, please seek the help you deserve:
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Dr. Carter has two other courses that you may find to be useful:
Free to Be: Reclaim & rediscover your uniqueness
This Is Me: Setting boundaries with the controllers in your life

Dr. Carter's personal website:
Dr. Carter's other YouTube channel:

Communication Skills Coaching:  How to recognize gaslighting--what words and phrases to look for
Communication Skills Coaching: How to recognize gaslighting--what words and phrases to look for Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 1 year ago

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In this Communication Skills Coaching video, communication coach Dan O'Connor tells you how to recognize when someone is gaslighting you. He tells you the words and phrases to watch for, and as always, includes power phrases for effective communication. When somebody's gaslighting you it's about you and is calling into question your reasoning & your thinking, it's designed to take the focus off the subject at hand (that you're probably bringing up) and instead place it on you and your thought process and why you are that way and it's intended to get you to doubt your thinking.
That is not okay.
It's okay if somebody challenges us; it's okay if somebody questions our actions; it's okay if somebody calls out our behavior; it is not okay if somebody tries to get us to question our sanity.
That is not okay

So be cautious of that whether you're concerned about gaslighting at work or you're concerned about gaslighting in a relationship. Here's the type of thing to look for:

Now, remember gaslighting generally comes when you bring up something that you're not happy with or that you're concerned about and they respond to it with gaslighting.

So gaslighting isn't generally something that people do just to make you crazy--it happens--but generally, it's when you bring up something--the strategy of a gaslighter is to take the focus off of what you're addressing and instead place it on you.

Here's what it sounds like:
"I don't know what happened to make you this way, but I'm not engaging."
"Can you hear yourself? Seriously--you want me to set up an appointment with somebody?"
"Are you crazy?"
"Hey--you don't see me doing that, do you?"
"I really feel sorry for you."
"I'm sorry you think that way."
"I'm sorry you feel that way."
"I suggest reflecting on why you think that."
"I never said that."
"That is not at all what happened. You are remembering it all wrong."
"You're really making a big deal out of this."
"Here you go again; really, do you have to do this every time?"
"Hey--I'm not the problem here. Have you considered that maybe you're the problem--that maybe this is happening to you over and over again? It's not happening to me."
"My god--I was just joking--what's wrong with you? Where's your sense of humor? Don't be so sensitive all the time!"

Dan teaches how to improve communication skills by giving concrete examples, words, phrases and even the appropriate body language for responding to gaslighting, and other communication situations, with mindful but effective words. Go to Dan's website to see Dan's online communication training courses. This video and the courses you'll find on Dan's website are all brought to you by #communicationskills #communicationcoach Dan O'Connor
#gaslightinginrelationships, #gaslightingatwork, #howtohandleagaslighter

0:00 Intro
0:19 What is gaslighting?
0:33 Response #1
1:01 Gaslighting examples
2:00 what is gaslighting in a relationship?
2:40 What gaslighting is not
3:10 When people gaslight us
3:23 Gaslighting examples
4:10 What people might say to you?
4:45 More examples of gaslighting
5:26 If I see that caller ID one more time
5:44 Getting you to question your sanity is never OK
5:55 Your rules are OK

Please subscribe to my channel for all my free online communication training:

For more professional communication skills training, go to

Gaslighting: Abuse That Makes You Question Reality
Gaslighting: Abuse That Makes You Question Reality Fakty Jebać fałsz 3 Views • 1 year ago

The term "gaslighting" has gained popularity in recent years, but what exactly does it entail?

Hosted by: Hank Green
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