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💛 Słodkie dziecko prawnika, 100 dzieci challenge, The Sims 4 - odcinek 43
💛 Słodkie dziecko prawnika, 100 dzieci challenge, The Sims 4 - odcinek 43 Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

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Stwórz Simkę, aby rozpocząć wyzwanie. Nazwiemy ją Matką. Twoja Matka musi być kobietą i musi być w wieku młoda dorosła. Musi być człowiekiem [patrz sekcja Opcjonalne Zasady Okultystyczne]. W jej domu nie może mieszkać żaden inny Sim, aby zacząć wyzwanie. Może mieć dowolny wygląd, aspiracje i jakąkolwiek chcesz kombinację cech. Zalecane są cechy "romantyczna" i "rodzinna", ale nie są one wymogiem. Jest także zalecane, żeby posiadała cechę, która pomoże jej zarobić simoleony z jakiejś hobbystycznej umiejętności.
UWAGA: Od początku czerwca 2016 r., Simowie nie są już ograniczeni do „dwóch płci". Dla jasności, tytuł Matki będzie używany w żeńskim zaimku, ale Matka, którą grasz może być dowolnej płci, byleby była Simem mogącym zajść w ciążę.
Możesz wprowadzić swoją Matkę na każdą ze startowych parceli, na którą może sobie pozwolić z $ 20,000, z którymi zaczyna grę. Później, w miarę rozwoju gospodarstwa domowego, kiedy Matka będzie miała co raz większe dochody z jednej z swoich umiejętności, będzie można ją i jej dzieci przenieść na inną parcelę, tak długo jak będzie mogła sobie na to pozwolić, bez używania cheatów. Każda parcela do której wprowadza się Matka, musi być już pusta. Nie można połączyć gospodarstwa Twojej Matki z innym gospodarstwem domowych. Możesz pobierać budynki z Galerii, tak długo, jak Matka może sobie na nie pozwolić.
Bezpośrednim priorytetem dla Matki jest znalezienie Sima, który pomoże jej zajść w ciążę w tym samym dniu kiedy się wprowadziła do nowego domu (generalnie będą to mężczyźni, ponieważ gra domyślnie generuje heteronormatywnych Simów, ale ciąża przy użyciu Sima jakiejkolwiek płci, który może zapładniać inne Simy jest w porządku). Dla ścisłości, ci Simowie nazywani są Dawcami i będą wymieniani w męskich zaimkach.
Będziesz kontynuować wyzwanie, mając jak najwięcej dzieci i znajdując nowych dawców na ojców każdego dziecka. Optymalnym i najbardziej efektywnym sposobem gry jest upewnienie się, że Matka jest zawsze w ciąży. Wcześniejsze zaplanowanie Dawcy (zaplanowanie ich całej kolejki), który zapłodni ją natychmiast po urodzeniu jest idealne i doprowadzi do uzyskania jak największej liczby dzieci w każdym pokoleniu.

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#Kana #100dcgamefahren #TheSims4

ovulation and menstrual cycle often called period|medical animationDandelionTeam #ovulation #period
ovulation and menstrual cycle often called period|medical animationDandelionTeam #ovulation #period Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

Menstruation is a woman’s monthly normal vaginal bleeding, often called the period.
When a baby girl is born, her ovaries contain hundreds of thousands of eggs, which stay inactive until puberty begins.
There isn't one right age for a girl to get her period but most girls get their first period about 2 years after their breasts start to develop. when they're between age 10 and 15 but it's different, every girl's body has its own schedule. two structures in the brain, the pituitary gland, and the hypothalamus produce complex hormones that stimulate the ovaries to make female sex hormones start and control The menstrual cycle. and it will continue to about age 51 . usually lasting from three to 8 days.
The menstrual cycle includes several phases.
The first phase of the menstrual cycle begins on the first day of bleeding and lasts for about 14 days.
The pituitary gland (located at the base of the brain) releases a hormone called FSH. This hormone causes one fluid-filled “follicles contain a mature egg to develop. The maturing follicle produces the hormone called estrogen. which increases over and peaks in about day 12 and causes The lining of the uterus (endometrium) to become thicker and more enriched with blood fact, the women's body prepares to get pregnant.

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

4 Common questions about the corona virus|3d medical animation|dandelion team

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

#period #ovulation #3dmedicalanimation
copyright by Dandelion Team

ostomy intestines device design part2
ostomy intestines device design part2 Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

3d medical animation ostomy device design part 2 sample use only

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings|with english subtitle

High Blood Pressure|Hypertension|Medical Animation by Dandelion Team

Toe nail treatment ASMR 3d animation|Fungal nail infections usually affect your toenails#asmr


how long does it take for the body to digest food? #shorts

The world of inside #shorts

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions? Medical Animation #shorts

small intestine #shorts

eye medical animation treatment

from fertilization to childbirth | 3d medical animation | by Dandelion Team
from fertilization to childbirth | 3d medical animation | by Dandelion Team Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

Embryos That Survive This Stage of Development have a high implantation potential once

we all won this race!

What role does sperm structure play in fertilization?

ovulation and menstrual cycle often called period

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

How does your body turn food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings|English subtitle
How does your body turn food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings|English subtitle Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system
#stomach #digestivesystem #colon
How does your body turn food into poop?
Mechanical digestion begins in the mouth as the food is chewed. . Chemical digestion begins in the mouth when food mixes with saliva. Saliva contains an enzyme (amylase)
that begins the breakdown of carbohydrates.
The epiglottis is a flexible flap at the end of the larynx in the throat. It acts as a switch between the larynx and the esophagus to permit air to enter the airway to the lungs and
food to pass into the esophagus. it is a muscular tube connecting the throat with the stomach. The esophagus is about 8 inches long.
The esophagus muscle acts with peristaltic action to move swallowed food down to the stomach. The action of peristalsis looks like an ocean wave moving through the muscle
The food then enters the stomach, which is a rounded, hollow j shape organ Located between the esophagus and the duodenum. the stomach has three mechanical tasks to
do. First, the stomach must store the swallowed food and liquid. This requires the
muscle of the upper part of the stomach to relax and accept large volumes of swallowed
material., The inner layer of the stomach is full of wrinkles known as rugae. Rugae both
allow the stomach to stretch in order to accommodate large meals and help to grip and
move food during digestion.
The second job is to mix up the food, liquid, with digestive juice produced by the
stomach. The lower part of the stomach mixes these materials as a blender by its
muscle action. and breaks down the food into tiny particles in 3 millimeters
finally, the stomach empties this acidy mash slowly into the small intestine.
The small intestine or small bowel is an organ in the gastrointestinal tract where most of
the end absorption of nutrients and minerals from food takes place. It lies between the
stomach and large intestine and receives bile and pancreatic juice through the
pancreatic duct to aid in digestion.
The Duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, receives partially digested
food from the stomach and begins the absorption of nutrients. The duodenum is
the shortest segment of the intestine and is about 23 to 28 cm (9 to 11 inches)
long. It is roughly horseshoe-shaped
The pancreatic juices and bile that are released into the duodenum, help the body to
digest fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.
The food is in instetin now and has a very long way to go!
As a person grows the small intestine increases 20 times in length from about 200 cm in a
newborn to almost 6 m in an adult.
The inner walls of the small intestine show mucosal folds. These are called the plicae
circulares. The plicae are more numerous in the early and reduce in numbers in the later
part and are completely absent.
Digestion is important because your body needs nutrients from food and drink to
work properly and stay
healthy. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water are
nutrients. Your digestive system breaks nutrients into parts small enough for
your body to absorb and use for energy, growth, and cell repair.
•Proteins break into amino acids
•Fats break into fatty acids and glycerol
•Carbohydrates break into simple sugars
In the small bowel, the food particles get even smaller. Here is where all the
important vitamins and nutrients in food move through the blood vessels that are
in the lining of the small bowel. The blood takes the nutrients to other organs in
the body. The nutrients are used to help repair cells and tissue.
What is left over, which is mostly liquid, then moves into the colon. The water
is absorbed in the colon. Bacteria in the colon break down the remaining
material. Then the colon moves the leftover material into the rectum.

the rectum is like a storage-holder for this waste. Muscles in the rectum move the
waste, called stool, out of the body through the anus.

0:01 How does your body turn food into the poo
0:08 food in the mouth
0:34 Esophagus
0:52 Stomach
1:56 Small intestine
3:35 Colon
3:60 Rectum

Digestion of alcohol is not like other food|Males, and females differ in metabolizing alcohol!

High Blood Pressure|Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

laparoscopy 3d animation

food digestion the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation|dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

Derma skin 3d modeling medical animation

4 Common questions about the corona virus|3d medical animation|dandelion team

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

copyright by Dandelion Team

male foley catheter! Dandelion medical animation|
male foley catheter! Dandelion medical animation| Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

male foley catheter!
Fertilization medical animation

we all won this race!

What role does sperm structure play in fertilization?

ovulation and menstrual cycle often called the period

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

How is urine produced in the body?
How is urine produced in the body? Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

How does the body produce urine? How is urine produced in the body?

copyrighted_by_Dandelion _Team

Fertilization medical animation

We all won this race!

What role does sperm structure play in fertilization?

ovulation and menstrual cycle often called period

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

Male Reproductive System|3d medical animation|#Male Reproductive
Male Reproductive System|3d medical animation|#Male Reproductive Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

WHAT Happens in Male Reproductive System During
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Other videos:

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

4 Common questions about the corona virus|3d medical animation|dandelion team

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

Formation of the baby's reproductive system
Formation of the baby's reproductive system Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

Formation of the baby's reproductive system ,Fetal development

copyrighted_by_Dandelion _Team

Fertilization medical animation

we all won this race!

What role does sperm structure play in fertilization?

ovulation and menstrual cycle often called the period

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

Nasal polyps treatment and surgery! 3d medical animation|Dandelion Team #nasalpolyp #noose
Nasal polyps treatment and surgery! 3d medical animation|Dandelion Team #nasalpolyp #noose Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

Nasal polyps are soft, painless, noncancerous growths on the lining of your nasal passages or sinuses. They hang down like teardrops or grapes.
They're not usually serious, but Larger growths or groups of nasal polyps can block your nasal passages and lead to
a lost sense of smell, frequent infections, runny nose, nosebleeds, and snoring.
you'll usually be given steroid nose drops or a spray to shrink the polyps.
If your polyps are large Or nose drops and sprays did not work
You may be given steroid tablets, usually for up to 2 weeks
If there's no sign of improvement after about 10 weeks, the doctor may suggest you remove your polyps by having the surgery
The surgeon may enlarge the openings leading from your noise to your nasal passages
A narrow tube with a lighted magnifying lens and tiny camera (nasal endoscope) will be inserted into the nose and sinus cavities to reach the polyp
With the endoscope, your doctor will identify polyps, then remove them using small instruments
The procedure you’ll require depends on where the polyps are located.
It can be done both under partial anesthesia and under general anesthesia. The duration of the surgery is approximately a few hours and usually, the patient is discharged the same day.
Most people who have surgery see an improvement, but it's common for polyps to grow back, usually within a few years
You may need to keep using a steroid nasal spray after surgery to stop the polyps from returning quickly.

#copyrighted_by_Dandelion _Team

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

4 Common questions about the corona virus|3d medical animation|dandelion team

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team


how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

#3dmedicalanimation #nasalpolyp
copyright by Dandelion Team

The Brain Is The Most Important And Complex Organ In Our Bodies!Dandelion Medical Animation
The Brain Is The Most Important And Complex Organ In Our Bodies!Dandelion Medical Animation Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

The brain is the most important and complex organ in our bodies. it is compartmentalized for our understanding but in reality, all the parts work in complex, intertwined ways.
copyrighted_by_Dandelion _Team

Fertilization medical animation

we all won this race!

What role does sperm structure play in fertilization?

ovulation and menstrual cycle often called period

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

What role does sperm structure play in fertilization? 3d medical animation #sperm #fertilization
What role does sperm structure play in fertilization? 3d medical animation #sperm #fertilization Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

Hi, everybody!
Sperm is tiny cells created by the male reproductive organs. that is made mostly of water, plasma, and mucus. It also contains 5 to 25 calories and is made up of small amounts of essential nutrients including Calcium.
Males produce millions of these cells each day, yet it takes only one to fertilize an egg and create a life!
Is human sperm visible?
Yes! but Only if you're looking through a microscope. Sperm are tiny. Like really tiny
scientists can typically identify the following three parts When studying a sperm cell under a microscope
The sperm head contains chromatin, which is the DNA material that makes up chromosomes.
Typically, both the human sperm cell and the human egg cell each contain 23 chromosomes. When the sperm and egg combine, this results in an embryo cell with 46 chromosomes.
Covering the head of the sperm is a cap called an acrosome. The acrosome contains enzymes that help the sperm penetrate the outer shell of an egg.
The head shape is important because it can affect the sperm’s ability to penetrate the outer surface of a woman’s egg to fertilize it.
The midsection of the sperm contains energy-producing mitochondria. These specialized structures provide the energy necessary for the sperm cell to move.
The sperm tail is the most complicated structure with more than 1000 proteins involved in its functioning. scientific, Over 300 years ago, described sperm tails swaying in a symmetric pattern, like “that of a snake.
With the advent of three-dimensional microscopes, Most recent studies have shown that sperms move by spinning rather than swimming, The sperm almost seemed to be drilling into the surrounding fluid.

copyrighted_by_Dandelion _Team

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

4 Common questions about the corona virus|3d medical animation|dandelion team

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

The effect of alcohol on neuron cells and the brain
The effect of alcohol on neuron cells and the brain Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

In the brain, Alcohol directly affects neurotransmitters, which control behavior and thought. It blocks chemical signals between brain cells (called neurons), leading to the common immediate symptoms of intoxication, including mood changes and impaired ability to think .impulsive behavior, slurred speech, poor memory, slowed reflexes, and coordinated movement. The effects are directly related to the amount of alcohol consumed. However, like many drugs, alcohol also stimulates the release of dopamine in your body, which tricks your body into feeling pleasure and can in turn make you associate drinking alcohol with feeling great. The tricky part here is that the more you drink alcohol to get that feeling, the less dopamine your body releases. Over time, you end up being mentally hooked, forever in search of that pleasurable feeling you think that alcohol gives you. This is where addictions take hold.

copyrighted_by_Dandelion _Team

Fertilization medical animation

we all won this race!

What role does sperm structure play in fertilization?

ovulation and menstrual cycle often called the period

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

Breathing!did you know We breathe in and out about 17,000 times per day?
Breathing!did you know We breathe in and out about 17,000 times per day? Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

We breathe in and out about 17,000 times per day.
There are about 300 million lung sacs (alveoli) in your lungs. If you stretched all of them out they would cover an area roughly the size of a tennis court!
This is where gas exchange happens
During gas exchange oxygen moves from the lungs to the bloodstream. At the same time, carbon dioxide passes from the blood to the lungs. This happens in the lungs between the alveoli and a network of tiny blood vessels called capillaries, which are located in the walls of the alveoli

Hi, everybody!

copyrighted_by_Dandelion _Team

Fertilization medical animation

we all won this race!

What role does sperm structure play in fertilization?

ovulation and menstrual cycle often called period

The effect of Tied umbilical cord in twins

High Blood Pressure Hypertension

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

food digestion is the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

short videos

how long does it take for the body to digest food?

The world of inside a bone

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions?

small intestine

copyright by Dandelion Team

Wound masking and healing transparent cover | 3d medical animation | sample use only
Wound masking and healing transparent cover | 3d medical animation | sample use only Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

Wound masking and healing transparent cover

How your body turns food into the poo Human digestion system in human beings

laparoscopy 3d animation

food digestion the story of how your food ends up as a poo 3d medical animation|dandelion team

coronary angiogram Micro Needle|3d medical animation|sample use only

Derma skin 3d modeling medical animation

4 Common questions about the corona virus|3d medical animation|dandelion team

heart valve replacement 3d medical animation|sample use only|dandelion team

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