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NEET: Biotechnology - L 4 | GMO | Class 12 | Unacademy NEET | Pradeep Sir
NEET: Biotechnology - L 4 | GMO | Class 12 | Unacademy NEET | Pradeep Sir Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

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Unacademy NEET brings you another interesting Biology session to prepare you for NEET 2020. In this session, Pradeep Sir will be discussing Biotechnology and its important concepts to prepare you for NEET. Watch this video to know some of the best practices to follow to crack NEET 2020.

Unacademy NEET is a free YouTube channel which helps all NEET aspirants in their NEET preparation. Unacademy NEET has highly qualified educators with a focus on guiding the student in their preparation along with keeping them motivated throughout. Our Unacademy experts are committed to giving the best guidance for NEET 2020 preparations by analysing the crucial needs of the students who want to crack the entrance exam and get through NEET.

For students who wish to get into graduate and postgraduate medical courses such as MBBS, MD, MS and dental courses such as BDS, MDS in government or private medical colleges and dental colleges, they have to undergo The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). The NEET syllabus entails three main subjects - Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The NEET examination is of 720 marks out of which Physics and Chemistry is of 180 marks each and Biology is of 360 marks.

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Are GMO Foods Safe? Dr. Devi Shetty with Sadhguru
Are GMO Foods Safe? Dr. Devi Shetty with Sadhguru Fakty Jebać fałsz 3 Views • 2 years ago

Is eating GMO food good or bad for your health? Sadhguru answers a question that is vitally relevant to current times.

Looking for a daily protein fix? Look no further! Raw groundnuts are a rich source of energy and a staple in any well-balanced Yogic diet.

An everyday superfood with immense health benefits, honey is an integral part of Ayurveda. Honey can be consumed raw, with cold water, or in warm water - each with a different effect.

Hailed globally for its many health benefits, turmeric purifies the blood, body, and the energy system. Consumption of turmeric on an empty stomach is a very effective cleanser.

Neem has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and an ability to generate ushna (heat) in the body which is hugely supportive for those doing sadhana (Yogic practices).

*Neem and Turmeric*
The consumption of neem and turmeric with tepid water is a wonderful way of removing any stomach infections and controlling excess bacterial activity that depletes energy levels.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

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Yonas & Maro - Nie dla GMO
Yonas & Maro - Nie dla GMO Fakty Jebać fałsz 0 Views • 2 years ago


Kawałek ANTY - GMO.

[Produkcja - Dj Yonas]

Nie jesteśmy gotowi na Roundup, Ziemia to Moja Matka, którą Bóg dał nam
Wszędzie modyfikowane ziarna, tuszowana prawda, na jaw wyszły akta
Steven Druker kontra FDA wygrana walka, sąd powiedział Świat ma wiedzieć czym zajmuje się ta szajka
Wszystko oparte na konszachtach, konsumuj co Ci Świat daje, ale się nie zadław
Monsanto próbuje dziś strach siać, ludzie jak zombie to Frankensteinowa nacja
Frankenfood my od tego separacja, w mleku rBGH próbują dziś dać nam
Sensacja na Światową skalę, anty-GMO dziś promujemy postawę
Nie jako jednostka, bo wspólnie damy rade, jak Jeffrey Smith, Jeremy Rifkin, Michael Hansen

Świat bez GMO to Świat bez Monsanto
Wstanń, powiedz STOP, to jest nasza szansa
Nie chcę więcej być już karmiony tą papką
Uznane za GRAS, ile razy jeszcze z nas zadrwią

Obudź się i zobacz, co ze światem dzieje się
Zobacz co jesz,
jaka chemia ładowana ludziom jest,
Ocknij się, bo inaczej jedzenie ciebie zje,
Ten genetyczny syf w końcu powoli zabije cię.
Czemu tyle chorób w dzisiejszych czasach jest,
kiedyś ich nie było człowiek, a teraz nagle pojawiły wokół się
Wytłumacz mi skąd one wszystkie biorą się?
Może komuś zależy, byś zapadł w wegetacji sen.

Świat bez GMO to Świat bez Monsanto
Wstanń, powiedz STOP, to jest nasza szansa
Nie chcę więcej być już karmiony tą papką
Uznane za GRAS, ile razy jeszcze z nas zadrwią

Zasadnicza równoważność, nie, zasadnicza nierozważność, ja wiem, co posiada każde ziarno
Każdy produkt w sklepie bez nalepek jak to? Co jest bez dodatku GMO chce mieć jasność
Nie licz, że uraczą Cię tą informacją, rakotwórcze wytwory wciaż bez badań są
Za tym wszystkim już od wielu lat stoi Monsanto, które niszczy nas, farmerów, to zasadzka jest
Nie wchodź w to, powiedz STOP GMO z ICPPC mamy moc, by dziś zrobić coś
By odmienić los, Europjeski Parlament zadaje nam cios, liczy się też Twój głos
Więc wysyłaj petycję, Świat bez GMO ja widzę różnicę, ocal nas i pszczoły, które tracą życie
Bo pokładasz zaufanie w herbicydzie

Świat bez GMO to Świat bez Monsanto
Wstanń, powiedz STOP, to jest nasza szansa
Nie chcę więcej być już karmiony tą papką
Uznane za GRAS, ile razy jeszcze z nas zadrwią

Let’s Discuss GMO Effects on the Environment | GMO Answers
Let’s Discuss GMO Effects on the Environment | GMO Answers Fakty Jebać fałsz 1 Views • 2 years ago

How do GMOs affect the environment? If you’re interested in conservation and sustainable farming methods, then you should find out just how the environment benefits from GMOs.

People sometimes assume that GMOs are bad for the environment. But, did you know that GMOs are one of the best tools farmers can use to protect our natural resources, like water, land and air?

During the last 20 years, GMO technology has helped reduce pesticide application by 8% and improve crop yields by 22%.

Genetically modified organisms are a type of plant breeding technology which is designed to help farmers preserve resources and use less chemicals, like pesticides, in their farming methods. GMO seeds that are pest-resistant allow farmers to use less pesticide applications.

If this information raises your interest in GMO, and if you would like to find out more about the topic, then you can subscribe to our channel:

GMO Answers is a leading resource for answering questions about GMO technology. We encourage questions and inquiring minds. Find out more here:


I love the environment so I don’t think I like GMOs.

Actually, GMOs are one of the best tools farmers have to protect and preserve water, air, land and even limit the impact of climate change.

I don’t know – that’s not what I hear?

Please let me explain: GMOs are one of several plant breeding technologies that help farmers grow more food using less inputs like pesticides and land. In fact, during the last 20 years, GMOs have reduced pesticide applications by more than 8% and increased crop yields by 22%. This increased yield means farmers kept 48 million acres of land from agricultural production, decreasing potential deforestation and harm to ecosystems. Without GMO seeds, we would need to convert the equivalent of almost all of our US national parks to farmland to get the same amount of yield. GMOs also help improve air quality. GMO crops allow farmers to till their fields less often, using less tractor fuel and releasing trapped CO2 in the soil, reducing carbon emissions by 58.8 billion lbs. That’s like removing nearly 12 million cars from the road for a whole year. GMOs also help reduce water pollution. Less soil till also means better moisture retention in the soil and reduced run-off, saving more than 6,400 bodies of water from clogging by soil, crop residue and chemicals. GMOs benefit not only the environment but also our daily lives. Without them we would have increased CO2 emissions, crop yield declines and a major loss of forest and pasture land. Overall, less sustainability on how we grow our food.

Thanks – this is great information, but I still have a lot of questions.

If you want to learn more, just check out GMO

Join us. Ask tough questions. Be skeptical. Be open. We look forward to sharing answers. GMO ANSWERS.


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