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Debatt under Arendalsuka 2022: Står det GMO-frie Norge for fall?
Debatt under Arendalsuka 2022: Står det GMO-frie Norge for fall? Fakty Jebać fałsz 3 Views • 2 years ago

Krigen i Ukraina viser hvor sårbar den globale matproduksjonen er og mulig råvaremangel kan utfordre norske holdninger til bruk av genmodifisering i matproduksjon. Norge er i dag avhengig av å importere ingredienser til dyrefôr til vårt eget hav- og landbruk, men det meste av den globale produksjonen er genmodifisert og ikke godkjent til bruk i Norge i dag.

Klimaendringer gir også utfordringer for global matvareproduksjon. Det vil kreve sorter tilpasset varmere klima og mer ekstreme værforhold. Med nye genteknologiske metoder er det mulig å utvikle planter og dyr med forbedrede egenskaper raskere. Poteter som er resistente mot tørråte eller hvete som tåler et mer fuktig klima er noen eksempler. FNs mat- og landbruksorganisasjon peker på genredigering som en nøkkelteknologi for en mer bærekraftig og robust matproduksjon.

Hvordan kan vi sikre en bærekraftig, norsk matproduksjon og øke norsk selvforsyning? Hvilke muligheter, men også utfordringer, kan ny genteknologi skape for norsk matproduksjon?

Bioteknologirådet inviterer under årets Arendalsuke til en bred debatt om norsk hav- og landbruk hvor både regjeringspartiene og opposisjonen vil være representert.

Ingunn Midtun Godal, direktør i Mattilsynet
Hilde-Gunn Opsahl Sorteberg, professor ved Institutt for plantevitenskap, NMBU
Ole Frithjof Norheim, leder av Bioteknologirådet
Kristina Hansen, AP, statssekretær i Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet
André N. Skjelstad, Stortingsrepresentant, Venstre
Lars Haltbrekken, Stortingsrepresentant, SV

Ordstyrere: Petter Frost, direktør i Bioteknologirådet og Stine Hufthammer Indrelid, seniorrådgiver i Bioteknologirådet.

GMO FOOD(유전자변형식품), 얼마나 알고 계신가요? & GMO피하는 방법
GMO FOOD(유전자변형식품), 얼마나 알고 계신가요? & GMO피하는 방법 Fakty Jebać fałsz 3 Views • 2 years ago

참조 :

러시아의 대통령 푸틴은 GMO작물을 취급하는 것은 테러범으로 규정하겠다고 선언한 바 있습니다. 또 국민이 기아로 죽어감에도 짐바브웨의 무가베 대통령은 빌게이츠가 무상으로 주겠다는 GMO음식을 단호하게 거절했습니다.

또 세계 많은 대부분의 나라들이 GMO 작물들의 수입, 유통을 금지 혹은 규제하고 있습니다.

하지만 대한민국은요?

공산국가 러시아도, 배고픈 아프리카 아이들도 공짜로 줘도 먹지 않겠다는 음식을 우리는 100% 가깝게 그냥 일상생활에서 혹은 외식으로 거의 먹고 있습니다. 놀랍게도 한국은 현재 GMO농산물 세계1위 소비국이 되었습니다.

GMOs, Glyphosate & Gut Health
GMOs, Glyphosate & Gut Health Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

Zach Bush, MD is a triple board certified physician specializing in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, as well as in Hospice and Palliative care. The director of M Clinic in Virginia, Dr. Bush has published peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in the areas of infectious disease, endocrinology, and cancer.

This is a mind-blowing conversation that explores new insights into the mechanisms behind human health and longevity. It's about the massive and misunderstood impact of industrial farming, chemical pesticides, the pharmaceutical industry and even errant Western medical practices have on both human and planetary health.

It's a conversation about the difference between the science of disease and the science of health. It's about the microbiome as a critical predictor of and protector against illness. And it's an exploration of autism, epigenetics and the mechanics of intercellular communication..

✌🏼🌱 - Rich

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Hi I'm Rich Roll. I'm a vegan ultra-endurance athlete and podcaster. I write books and travel the world giving talks. But mainly I'm a dad of four. My wife Julie is much better at stuff than me. She is a yogi, musician, mom, and vegan chef & cookbook author. She makes amazing nut cheese. If you want to know more, the NY Times wrote a couple things about us:

Fakty Jebać fałsz 0 Views • 2 years ago

Visit Paul Izak at his website

Please SUBSCRIBE to paulizakmusic channel for more music and inspirational videos.

If you would like to learn More about how GMO's and Monsanto are affecting Hawaii and the World please take the time to watch these films.

Stop monsanto from Poisoning Hawaii: Genetic Engineering Chemical Warefare

Genetic Roulette

We have the upmost respect for what Kamehameha Schools stands for and we ask them to please stop supporting GMO's and Monsanto. They could be the biggest force behind removing this pollution from Hawaii, please encourage them to be apart of the change.
For your own health please educate yourself about the dangers of GMO and learn how to avoid GMO and any support towards big name GMO companies.
Support your Local ORGANIC FARMERS.
Learn how to Build your own garden and seek out community to support this positive progression and healthy lifestyle.
If your on Oahu and looking for support please contact these three Organizations:

Keep planting your seeds....... and make sure there not GMO's,

Mýa - G.M.O. (Got My Own) Official Music Video ft. Tink
Mýa - G.M.O. (Got My Own) Official Music Video ft. Tink Fakty Jebać fałsz 0 Views • 2 years ago

After serving fans with two solid R&B albums in the last three years including her recently released T.K.O. (2018) and Smoove Jones (2016) which was nominated for a Grammy, Mýa turns things up a notch, joining forces with female recording artist Tink on “G.M.O.” (Got My Own) for an empowering, yet fun ladies anthem. The single (not featured on the T.K.O. LP), is produced by Lamar "MyGuyMars" Edwards & Resource and written by Mýa Harrison, Trinity Home (Tink) & Lamar "MyGuyMars" Edwards. The music video is directed by Mýa & Dana Rice and produced by Planet 9 & Dana Rice Productions, exclusively premiered by BET on September 3rd as part of their Mýa Monday programming.

Artist: Mýa
Featured Artist: Tink
Song: G.M.O. (Got My Own)
Music Video directed, produced and edited by Dana Rice & Mya Harrison
Cast: MyGuyMars (music producer), Resource (music producer), Luz Remigio (dancer), China Taylor (dancer), Ysabelle Capitule (choreographer), Amber Rose (hair), Twy Bernal (hair) , Sa’Myra Harris (child), Kai Simone (child)

Choreography: Ysabelle Capitule
Wardrobe Styling: Haley Camille & Ambika Sanjana
Asst stylist: Milena Constanza, Dani Novoa
Mya make-up by David Rodriguez, Bria Simms, Mýa
Mya Hair: Twy Bernal, Anthony Cherry, Mýa
Tink Make-Up: Bria Simms
Tink Hair: Twy Bernal
Tink Wardrobe Styling: Dutch Omen
Custom Skates: Sk8Fanatics
Roller skate Graffiti: John Born
Lighting: Baxter Stapleton
PA: Karla Montano
Dancer casting: Andrea Jasper of Collective Uth

Music produced by Lamar “MyGuyMars” Edwards & Resource
Lyrics by Mya Harrison, Lamar “MyGuyMars” Edwards
Recorded at Spaceship Studios
Mixed by Derek Anderson at Spaceship Studios
Mastered by Malcolm Tariq Smith at Elation Ent. Studios

Label: Planet 9 / MGM
Distribution: The Orchard

#Mýa #GMO #Vevo #RandB #VevoOfficial

GMO OMG - Official Trailer
GMO OMG - Official Trailer Fakty Jebać fałsz 0 Views • 2 years ago

Documentary by Jeremy Seifert, 2013, USA, 90'
Today in the United States, by the simple acts of feeding ourselves, we are unwittingly participating in the largest experiment ever conducted on human beings. Each of us unknowingly consumes genetically engineered food on a daily basis. The risks and effects to our health and the environment are largely unknown. Yet more and more studies are being conducted around the world, which only provide even more reason for concern. We are the oblivious guinea pigs for wide-scale experimentation of modern biotechnology.
GMO OMG tells the story of a father's discovery of GMOs in relationship to his three young children and the world around him.
We still have time to heal the planet, feed the world, and live sustainably. But we have to start now!

【7/20 第1部】GMO LIVE from GMOインターネットTOWER
【7/20 第1部】GMO LIVE from GMOインターネットTOWER Fakty Jebać fałsz 0 Views • 2 years ago


けいちゃん / Keichan のチャンネルのGMOLIVEの動画


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