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7 Mistakes I Made In My First Store That Caused It To FAIL
7 Mistakes I Made In My First Store That Caused It To FAIL Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

The 7 big mistakes I made in my first online ecommerce store that made it FAIL...
►► FREE $10,000/Month ebook:

►► How I Made $1000/Day At Age 15 [Animated]:
►► 5 Ways To Make Money Online If You Are BROKE:
►► 3 Ways To Turn $50 Into $100/Day:
►► 10 Psychological Triggers Used To Make People Buy [Animated]:

RECOMMENDED WATCHING - Having Realistic Expectations In Business:

A lot of people have requested that I posted my affiliate links so that they can register through them as a thank-you for my free tutorial content on YouTube. Thank you so much for your support! If you would like to use my affiliate links, I would greatly appreciate it as it enables me to keep making YouTube videos for free:


Please note: an affiliate link tracks whether you click on the link, and register and/or make a purchase. If you do, I may get a commission. Using affiliate links is optional but again, it enables me to keep making my YouTube tutorial content free & I greatly appreciate the support, thank you!

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A business isn't a way to get rich fast. A business is simply when you learn to do these 3 things really well:

1) Creating or finding great products/services to sell.
2) Putting those products in front of the right customers.
3) Giving those customers a great reason to buy.

And each person will have their own journey to get there with a LOT of hard work & sacrifices along the way 💪👊

On this channel, we discuss all topics for ecommerce business owners (with a sprinkle of motivation thrown in too) to help them master these 3 things! On this channel, we offer:

* Case studies on successful ecommerce stores.
* Tutorials for apps & online tools.
* Low-cost, beginner-friendly product sourcing methods (Print On Demand & Dropshipping).
* Sales psychology tactics to increase conversions & get customers to buy from you & to click on your ads.
* Videos to help you with the "legal stuff" (creating refund policies, setting up taxes, etc).

So if you are someone who is building (or want to build) a REAL business (especially with ecommerce) & want to follow channels with actionable content to help you along your journey & make your store even better, subscribe today! 🔥

8 Things to Do BEFORE You Start Selling on Amazon (Tips for New Amazon Sellers)
8 Things to Do BEFORE You Start Selling on Amazon (Tips for New Amazon Sellers) Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

Learn the 8 things to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon & create an Amazon store.

►► How to Make 10k/Month Online ebook:


How to Create an Amazon Account:
How to Start an Aliexpress Dropshipping Store with No Money:
Amazon Restricted Categories:

First thing to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon: Get an Amazon Pro Merchant Account

Why? Because having an Amazon Pro Merchant Account is a necessary prerequisite to winning the Buy Box. Winning this is crucial as a new seller for two reasons:

1) About 80% of sales are made using the Buy Box - so not winning this means you miss out on crucial sales opportunities.

2) When you are the featured seller in the Buy Box the number of reviews you have are not featured, so it means that new sellers won’t be discriminated against for having little-to-no reviews by buyers.

Even though it costs money compared to opening a free seller account, I strongly recommend it because you’ll make more money with one.

Second thing to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon: Have the documents ready when applying for an Amazon account

When creating an Amazon account, you will need the following documents:

1) Photos of a national ID (like a passport or a drivers license).
2) A bank statement with your address on it.

So before you start an account, take photos and download your latest bank statement and upload these documents when Amazon asks for them.

Third thing to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon: Act fast - DON’T wait!

Amazon is regularly changing their requirements. For example…

* In 2014 they changed Personal Care into a restricted category.
* In 2016 they made it so new FBA sellers couldn’t send in their first shipment during the 4th quarter.
* And in 2017, they changed it so you need to upload proof of ID documents during the account creation process.

The sooner you get started, the easier it’ll be.

Fourth thing to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon: Pick your Amazon business model

There are several types of business models to pursue when opening your Amazon store (private labeling, wholesale selling, dropshipping & retail arbitrage). Before you open your Amazon business, you need to pick the right one that meets your skillset and access to resources.

For example, private labeling has the advantage of being very hands-off. But it requires a large upfront investment. While a dropshipping business takes more time to manage, but it requires a lot less money to get started. Weigh up the pros & cons.

Fifth thing to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon: Get a credit card (or a debit card)

When you sell on Amazon you need to pay selling fees. To pay these, Amazon requires you have either a credit card or a debit card. You cannot use a Payoneer card or a prepaid debit card. If you don’t have this, then consider opening an Aliexpress dropshipping store on your own website.

Sixth thing to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon: Figure out a plan to manage your cash flow

Don’t be afraid by the word “cash flow.” All we mean is that you need to have a plan for how you are going to pay for the items you are going to sell. Why? Because Amazon holds your money for 2 weeks as a new seller. This means:

1) If you’re dropshipping, you need to have money to use in the meantime to order the items the customer has purchased.

2) If you’re private labeling, it’s prudent to have money set aside to replace inventory if your product gets super-successful super-fast.

While you could save up hundreds to thousands of dollars, the easiest way to manage this is with a credit card. If you don’t have a credit card then I recommend working on your credit score and making it a priority to get one.

Seventh thing to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon: Check if the category you want to sell in is restricted

Some item categories on Amazon are unrestricted (ungated categories) and you can sell in them without submitting an application (e.g. home & gardening). But some categories are restricted (gated categories). Some categories are very easy to get unrestricted in (like clothing & accessories) but some are more difficult (e.g. food & grocery). Be sure to check before getting started.

Eighth thing to do BEFORE you start selling on Amazon: Set aside time each day/week to manage/grow your Amazon business.

Make sure you set aside time each day to fulfill orders & answer emails/questions. And set aside time each week to grow your business. For many this will be working on weekends. Doing this can be challenging: But it’s a right of passage that most business owners go through. So don’t get discouraged: The rewards are well worth it!

How to Not Get SUED When Dropshipping (w/ Aliexpress & Shopify)
How to Not Get SUED When Dropshipping (w/ Aliexpress & Shopify) Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

Afraid of getting sued when dropshipping? Watch this video!
►► FREE - How to Make $10,000/Month:
►► How to Dropship from Aliexpress:

PLEASE NOTE: We are not lawyers, and this is not legal advice. For legal advice, please contact a lawyer.

Question 1: Will you get sued if you use product images from Aliexpress suppliers?

The answer to this is almost certainly no. In China, the culture around copyright is very different to the western world. In China, the culture around copyright is that if something can be easily copied and can benefit others, then that is more important than protecting the rights of a single individual. It is a cultural difference.

As a result, it’s very easy to get away with piracy in China, which is why pirated movies/music/games are sold freely on the streets. In fact, Chinese manufacturers copy each other all the time. Not only do they produce the same products, they steal images from each other. If you go to Aliexpress you will see that different manufacturers are producing the same items, and they are using the same images.

As a result, it is extremely unlikely that any Aliexpress supplier would try to pursue you in court for any copyright issues. If they were going to sue anyone - it would be the manufacturers that are copying them - although due to the cultural differences, that is also extremely unlikely.

If you’re still worried, you can contact the Aliexpress suppliers and ask them if they are OK with you reusing their images.

Question 2: How Can I Avoid Being Sued for Copyright Images?

They might not care in China if you copy images - but in the west, they sure do! Even if your website is not making any money, you can still be pursued legally and sued for using images without permission - so it’s very important that you don’t use copyrighted images on your website!

A good place to find images you can use is with Google Images:

1) Go to Google Images
2) Click settings.
3) Click advanced search.
4) Type in what you’re searching for.
5) Scroll down to usage rights. Select “free to use, share or modify, even commercially.”
6) Click search. You’ll be surprised at how many images you’re allowed to use!

So don’t get lazy and use images that are copyrighted. Use Google to find free images you’re allowed to use.

Question 3: Can I Sell Aliexpress Products that are Trademarked?

No - do NOT sell products that are trademarked. For example, in the video, Sarah compares two items - one that is a generic self-stir mug, and one that is a self-stir mug with Harry Potter imagery on it. Do NOT sell the Harry Potter mug, as it is illegal.

If you sell products with trademarks, you aren’t just risking getting sued - you’re risking having legal action taken against you.

5 Things to Do BEFORE Working With Chinese Dropshippers & Suppliers (Aliexpress & Alibaba Ti
5 Things to Do BEFORE Working With Chinese Dropshippers & Suppliers (Aliexpress & Alibaba Ti Fakty Jebać fałsz 4 Views • 2 years ago

Do these 5 things BEFORE using a Chinese Aliexpress Dropshipper or Alibaba Supplier!
►► FREE EBOOK - Download Now:
►► Join Our Step-By-Step Dropshipping Course:

#1: Check to see if your suppliers has been to a tradeshow

If you are trying to decide between two suppliers, checking to see if either has been to a tradeshow is a great way to help pick between them. Going to a tradeshow is very expensive and so a lot of legitimate suppliers do not go because it is hard to make enough money back to make it profitable. What this means is that if a supplier has gone, then it indicates they are financially is a good position (which means they are unlikely to go out of business any time soon).

If your supplier is on Alibaba, you can go to their profile and check to see if they have visited any tradeshows. If your supplier is based on Aliexpress, find the brand of the item that you would like to sell and then go to Alibaba to locate the manufacturer. You can then visit the manufacturers profile page to see if they have been to a tradeshow.

#2: Avoid using pictures with models

If you are working with a Chinese dropshipper on Aliexpress or a Chinese supplier on Alibaba and they have stock photos that use models, we recommend that you don’t use those photos yourself. This is because Chinese suppliers have a history of illegally taking pictures from model’s social media accounts (like stealing the images from Instagram). They can get away with this in China, but in the West the model can contact Facebook/Amazon and get your ad/listing taken down. Avoid using pictures with models so that you don’t infringe on copyright.

#3: Check to see if you’re working with a manufacturer, trade company or wholesaler

On Alibaba you will usually encounter two types of suppliers: manufacturers and trade companies. A manufacturer is the factory that originally made the item. A trade company is a middle-man between a manufacturer/factory and you. Neither is better than the other, they both have advantages and disadvantages. The advantage with a manufacturer is that you’re going straight to the source and it’s usually cheaper. On the other hand, a trade company usually charges more since they make a commission on the sale, but their reps usually speak better english which makes communication much better (sometimes they can negotiate lower prices than if you were buying straight from the manufacturer as well so it’s good to check even if you are price sensitive). You can check what the company is in their Alibaba profile.

On Aliexpress you’ll usually encounter either manufacturers or wholesalers. Manufacturers tend to brand their store their generic label brand (e.g. Transhome) and only sell products under their brands. Wholesalers will usually name their store something less generic (e.g. Mr & Mrs Store) and will sell products from a variety of manufacturers. Wholesalers are sometimes more expensive but they have a wider selection of products.

#4: Recap your agreements and contracts in writing

If you and your supplier are negotiating a contract or an agreement, make sure that you get your suppliers to recap it and write out the agreement in text. It’s very easy for both cultural and language differences to cause misunderstandings. Ask your suppler to recap each element of your agreement in text (either by email or by sending a copy of your contract in writing).

#5 Prioritize products that have multiple manufacturers

The profit margins for Chinese manufacturers is very small, because they sell their items so cheaply. That, along with the fact that doing business in China is relatively difficult means that unless a factory is well managed, it can go bankrupt and have to close. If you’re dropshipping an item or private labeling it for Amazon and your supplier goes out of business, then unless you have a backup supplier that manufactures the same item - you will have nothing to sell and your money will dry up.

That is why, when choosing between products, it’s good to look for one that has multiple manufacturers and suppliers. Then, on the off-chance your supplier has to close it’s doors, you can switch to a new one - and your business can continue, and you can keep making money.

5 Mistakes New Importers Make When Importing Products from China
5 Mistakes New Importers Make When Importing Products from China Fakty Jebać fałsz 3 Views • 2 years ago

Discover the 5 mistakes new importers make when they are importing products from China.

Don’t make the same mistakes! Get our free ebook:


First mistake importers make when importing products from China: Assuming that shipping by sea will be the cheapest option

A lot of new importers think they will save money if they ship by sea rather than air. On the surface it seems cheaper as importers usually pay around 60 cents/KG when shipping via sea, compared to the $7/KG when shipping by air courier.

Unfortunately what they don’t realize is that the reason it’s that cheap is because when shipping via sea, you ship via container, and you need to rent an entire container. They are very large and require you to be shipping hundreds of KGs to be making it worth your time.

If you are an Amazon private label seller, you are unlikely to have enough stock being shipped to fill a container by at least 60-70% so it will be cheaper to ship by air.

When shipping by air, you have two options:

1) Air freight
2) Air courier

Air courier is when you have your items shipped door-to-door. It is the easiest but the most expensive per KG (although in smaller quantities it is cheaper).

Air freight is when you have your items flown from one airport to the other. You will need to organize other additional services:

* Having the items delivered to the airport
* A customs broker
* Having the items delivered from the airport to the final location.

There are a lot of fixed fees with this which means it becomes cheaper to use air freight with larger quantities. To figure out which option will be cheaper for you, I recommend using Freightos.

Second mistake importers make when importing products from China: Not using the Metric system

In China, they use the Metric system and not the Imperial system. So be sure to use KGs instead of lbs and CM instead of inches. It’s important to remember that when working with Chinese suppliers that they expect you to work on their terms and their timeframes.

It can be frustrating, but it’s worth it for the cheap Chinese products you import!

Third mistake importers make when importing products from China: Using Less than Container Load for shipping

When shipping by sea, you have two options:

1) FCL which stands for Full Container Load
2) LCL which stands for Less than Container Load

Inexperienced importers fall for the trap of shipping with LCL because they see that the price are extremely cheap. What they don’t realize is that these LCL companies have special deals with the ports to charge you extremely high Destination Service Charges. The LCL companies then make their money in the form of a “rebate” which is essentially commissions/kickbacks.

Destination Service Charges are usually priced per-container and cost between $500-$1000 per container for ports in the USA. But when shipping by LCL you end up paying a high fee per cubic meters. It means that you often end up paying a fee comparable to shipping an entire container.

Don’t fall for this trap: If you can’t break even with FCL, then ship by air.

Fourth mistake importers make when importing products from China: not calculating the correct duties you will need to pay

When you import products from China, you will need to pay duties at the border. If you don’t calculate the correct rate you can get a shock if it comes back as more than you expected.

Duties can be a bit complicated to work out because there are a lot of variables. For example, if you imported woolen jackets, you need to consider which country the wool came from, as some countries (like Israel) have duty-free agreements over wool, which would reduce the duties you had to pay. On the other hand if synthetic fibres were used instead of pure wool, then your duty rates would be higher since there are higher duties applied to synthetic fibres within the USA.

To figure out what your duty rate is, find out what the HTS (Harmonized Tax System) code is for your item. To find this, ask your Chinese supplier as they will most likely know. You can then go through the HTS manual and find what the duty rate is for the HTS code of your products.

Fifth mistake importers make when importing products from China: being afraid to make mistakes

And finally - don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Through making mistakes you learn how to overcome them the next time and make even more money. Mistakes are apart of entrepreneurship. Learn from others - and learn from your own as well!

10 Things To Do BEFORE You Start A Print On Demand Store... (Beginner Mistakes to AVOID)
10 Things To Do BEFORE You Start A Print On Demand Store... (Beginner Mistakes to AVOID) Fakty Jebać fałsz 6 Views • 2 years ago

Learn the 10 things you need to do BEFORE starting a Print On Demand store...
►► FREE $10,000/Month ebook:
►► Get Stunning Lifestyle Photos:

►► MONEY MAKING Store vs. LOSING Print On Demand Store:
►► How To Make $10,000/Month with Print On Demand:

►► How I Made $1000/Day At Age 15 [Animated]:
►► 5 Ways To Make Money Online If You Are BROKE:
►► 3 Ways To Turn $50 Into $100/Day:
►► 10 Psychological Triggers Used To Make People Buy [Animated]:

RECOMMENDED WATCHING - Having Realistic Expectations In Business:

A lot of people have requested that I posted my affiliate links so that they can register through them as a thank-you for my free tutorial content on YouTube. Thank you so much for your support! If you would like to use my affiliate links, I would greatly appreciate it as it enables me to keep making YouTube videos for free:


Please note: an affiliate link tracks whether you click on the link, and register and/or make a purchase. If you do, I may get a commission. Using affiliate links is optional but again, it enables me to keep making my YouTube tutorial content free & I greatly appreciate the support, thank you!

►► Follow Sarah's Adventures on Instagram:
►► Like us on Facebook:
A business isn't a way to get rich fast. A business is simply when you learn to do these 3 things really well:

1) Creating or finding great products/services to sell.
2) Putting those products in front of the right customers.
3) Giving those customers a great reason to buy.

And each person will have their own journey to get there with a LOT of hard work & sacrifices along the way 💪👊

On this channel, we discuss all topics for ecommerce business owners (with a sprinkle of motivation thrown in too) to help them master these 3 things! On this channel, we offer:

* Case studies on successful ecommerce stores.
* Tutorials for apps & online tools.
* Low-cost, beginner-friendly product sourcing methods (Print On Demand & Dropshipping).
* Sales psychology tactics to increase conversions & get customers to buy from you & to click on your ads.
* Videos to help you with the "legal stuff" (creating refund policies, setting up taxes, etc).

So if you are someone who is building (or want to build) a REAL business (especially with ecommerce) & want to follow channels with actionable content to help you along your journey & make your store even better, subscribe today! 🔥

3 Things Gurus DON'T TELL YOU About Aliexpress Dropshipping...
3 Things Gurus DON'T TELL YOU About Aliexpress Dropshipping... Fakty Jebać fałsz 2 Views • 2 years ago

We reveal what the “gurus” don’t tell you about dropshipping with Aliexpress…
►► Free $10,000/Month ebook:
►► Why Long Shipping Times Don’t Matter:

So yes… it’s lots of fun to talk about the fancy things we’ve bought with dropshipping money (sports cars, fancy vacations) but it’s a lot less fun to talk about things like…

* Getting banned on PayPal
* Chargebacks
* And refunds.

Luckily, all of these things have simple solutions and can be avoided - as long as you know what to do in-advance. Here is how to overcome these obstacles when creating your Aliexpress dropshipping store.

#1: How to Not Get Banned on PayPal

Everyone has heard the horror stories of people having their PayPal accounts banned and losing tens of thousands of dollars. It’s key when dropshipping to avoid having your PayPal account being banned.

A lot of people say that PayPal “doesn’t like dropshipping” - but this simply isn’t true. What PayPal doesn’t like is it’s customers being lied to or tricked to.

And we regularly see new dropshippers being shady when it comes to one thing in particular… the long shipping times.

New dropshippers assume that they’ll need to not be honest when it comes to the shipping times to make sales. But this isn’t true. Long shipping times don’t affect conversion rates as much as you’d think - what they do affect is how much customer support you need to provide.

It is very important that you are upfront with customers and set their expectations clearly in the beginning, because this is the biggest reason for PayPal disputes - and it is PayPal disputes that will get your account frozen and banned.

Here is what we recommend you do to be upfront about the long shipping times:

1) Add a disclaimer that shipping will take 2-4 weeks in the product page, and BOLD it.
2) Add a disclaimer in the customer confirmation email. Be clear it will be 2-4 weeks before it arrives and to please be patient.

Being honest is the key to winning PayPal disputes. Losing disputes is how your account will be banned, and your money frozen.

#2: How to Avoid Getting Chargebacks

Credit card companies allow customers to do a chargeback if they have been the victim of a fraudulent transaction. If you are shown to have fraudulently charged them, that is very serious.

There are two main reasons that customers claim chargebacks on Aliexpress dropshipping stores:

1) They don’t recognize the transaction on their credit card statement.
2) They are unhappy about something - usually the long shipping times.

The first is very easy to avoid. If you are using Shopify, when setting up Shopify Payments, make sure you have the name of your store in the Statement Descriptor box.

The second is trickier. Again, you’ll get a LOT less chargebacks if you are upfront and honest with the customer about them. Be sure to set the expectation up front.

But no matter what - any business that is dealing with credit cards should be expecting chargebacks. That is another reason why it’s very important to be upfront with the customer from the beginning with shipping times. If you were upfront, then you should easily win as you can provide proof they knew what they were purchasing:

* You can link them to your product page with your clear disclaimer.
* You can provide screenshots of the page with the disclaimer.
* You can send a copy of the customer confirmation email, outlining shipping times.

In addition, if you use ePacket as your shipping option (which we strongly recommend) you’ll have a tracking number you can provide to show the package is on-route to the customer.

But no matter what, chargebacks are a paid. So there is something else I strongly recommend that you do…

You encourage communication between you and the customer. In your follow-up emails, stress that if they are having any problems, to please contact you immediately. This way, you talk to and calm any upset customers before they attempt to do a PayPal dispute or a chargeback.
#3: How to Handle Refunds when Aliexpress Dropshipping

We strongly recommend that you have a strict refund policy in place that only allows refunds for items that are faulty or broken. Do not allow refunds for people that have simply changed their minds.

In addition, protect yourself by creating a page that has your refund policy on it, and link to it in the store footer. That way, it will be on every page in your store so customers don’t have an excuse for not having read it.

Remember: there are solutions to every challenge and every stumbling block. With research and common sense, you can overcome anything. Successful, rich individuals see these challenges as opportunities. What will you choose to see them as?

10 Things to Do BEFORE Dropshipping (AVOID Beginner Mistakes)
10 Things to Do BEFORE Dropshipping (AVOID Beginner Mistakes) Fakty Jebać fałsz 4 Views • 2 years ago

Do these 10 things BEFORE you start dropshipping so that you don’t lose money!
►► Free $10,000/Month ebook:
►► Join The Dropship Club now:


►► Why Long Shipping Times Don’t Matter:
►► 3 Ways to LOSE Money When Dropshipping:
►► How to Pick Products:


A lot of people have requested that I posted my affiliate links so that they can register through them as a thank-you for my free tutorial content on YouTube. Thank you so much for your support! If you would like to use my affiliate links, I would greatly appreciate it as it enables me to keep making YouTube videos for free:


Please note: an affiliate link tracks whether you click on the link, and register and/or make a purchase. If you do, I may get a commission. Using affiliate links is optional but again, it enables me to keep making my YouTube tutorial content free & I greatly appreciate the support, thank you!

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